ARCHIVE: some fairly early texts by Aristo Tacoma Please consult the updated set of links from the page. Underneath are texts with elements of enduring value, so they have been kept here. The ripe and enduring form of the programming language and always-updated set of programs for this of this author are also found at links given on the page. There also you'll find links to the Art Catalogue of newest paintings by Aristo Tacoma, whose name when painting is Stein R Weber, or SRW.

ONE OF THE FOUNDATIONAL NONFICTION BOOKS PRIVATELY PUBLISHED BUT WITH ISBN REGISTRATION AT REQUIRED NATIONAL LIBRARY SUMMER 2009, REFERRING ALSO TO EARLIER PUBLICATION IN SAME MANNER FROM SUMMER 2004, WITH CORRECTED & UPDATED ISBN NUMBER RELATIVE TO FIRTH MANUAL & INCOMPLETE MANUSCRIPT FROM 2007: aristo_tacoma_theory_of_the_universe.htm ****** BOOK: DEDICATING ONESELF TO BEAUTY, published 2009 with ISBN 978-82-996977-5-0 and available right here since October 8 2009. ****** BOOKLET: JOY and the brain as a quantum unit, published 2009 with ISBN 978-82-996977-4-3 and available right here since August 14 2009. ****** BOOKLET: THE INTERRATIONAL MIND -- a practical physics of 8-spheres, published 2009 w/ISBN 978-82-996977-3-6 and available right here since July 31 2009. As of June 28, 2009, "interrational mind" (inter-rational) is defined by Aristo to mean, roughly, "a mind that aims, flexibly, playfully, and without desire or greed, to reach the ever-new golden lively creative mean between feeling and thought". The concept of "8-spheres" was introduced in privately circulated papers while author was in Manhattan, New York, in 1997, and refers here to the gestalt understanding of the subconscious as transferred, in a generalized sense, to the supermodel theory, to yield a practical form of physics aiming at providing suggestions for life-style drawing on the reservoir of insights provided with this novel approach to the universe and going much, much further than the very limited suggestions one can draw from mere empirical studies of the 20th century popperian kind in physics (the term "practical physics" is used as we are doing an explicitly neopopperian jump here).